The Influence of Leadership, Digital Services and Training with Motivation as Mediation Variables on the Performance of Expert Level Document Researcher Functional Personnel

  • Komara Mijaya Universitas Terbuka




Functional personnel of Expert Level Document Researchers (ELDR) at the Soekarno-Hatta Customs and Excise Main Service Office agency have the task of conducting research documents on import notification of goods. This task is very influential on the optimization of state revenues in the form of Import Duties (BM), Excise and Taxes in the Framework of Imports (PDRI). The aim of the study was to find out and analyze the influence of leadership, digital service and training with motivation as a mediation variable on employee performance. The research approach that will be used in this research is a quantitative approach that is descriptive and associative. The primary data collection is based on survey byspreading questionnaires directly to respondents. Unit of analysis: Field of Customs and Excise Services and Facilities II at the Main Service Office Soekarno Hatta C  Type Customs and Excise, population:  functional personnel of Expert Level Document Researchers (ELDR) at the Main Service Office of Soekarno Hatta C Type Customs and Excise, and research samples taken from the entire population considering  the number of Expert Level Document Researchers  (ELDR)  34 officers; by using saturated samples  that will later be connected between leadership, digital service and training with motivation as a mediation variable related to its effect on the performance. The analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear rerggression methods with SPSS software version24. Variables used: Employee Performance (Y), Leadership (X1), Digital Service (X2), Training (X3) and Motivation (Z). The results showed: (1) leadership with motivation as a mediation variable did not affect employee performance, (2) digital services and training with motivation as a mediation variable had a significant effect on employee performance.

Keywords : Leadership, Digital Services, Training, Motivation, Performance.


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How to Cite
Mijaya, K. (2022). The Influence of Leadership, Digital Services and Training with Motivation as Mediation Variables on the Performance of Expert Level Document Researcher Functional Personnel. Management and Sustainable Development Journal, 4(2), 1-28.

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