Thriving Employee Engagement: A Scoping Review

  • Lianto Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak
Keywords: employee engagement, self-efficacy, performance, organizational commitment


In the last two decades, scholars and practitioners have paid close attention to employee engagement. Human Resource (HR) managers believe that engaged workers will willingly contribute beyond their job requirements for the organization, becoming a significant resource for business success. The employee engagement is one of the top three HR program goals that must be taken into account. A high degree of engagement is a conditio sine qua non to achieve a sustained competitive advantage. This present review article aims to identify several factors of antecedents and consequences of employee engagement to support future researches. The method used is a scoping (literature) review presented in a narrative manner.


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How to Cite
Lianto. (2023). Thriving Employee Engagement: A Scoping Review. Management and Sustainable Development Journal, 5(1), 107 - 122.

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