Study Analysis of Sentiment Analysis Methods on YouTube

  • santi thomas Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Yuliana Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Noviyanti. P Institut Shanti Bhuana
Keywords: sentiment analysis, method, youtube


It cannot be denied that YouTube is now the most popular video sharing website. Opinions written from viewers could be an important asset for the development of a company or YouTubers. In this report, the technique used to analyze those comments is called sentiment analysis or opinion mining techniques. Although this knowledge or technique is not new, it is still important to continue studying this, given the importance of the viewer comments. This paper is the result of a literature review of several studies that have been conducted using various methods in sentiment analysis. The purpose of this analytical study is to obtain a theoretical basis that can support further research by studying the working methods, advantages, and disadvantages of each method. For the reason of having no knowledge on how the method works will affect the results and will be a waste of time. The results of comparisons from research that have been done, showing that the Naïve bayes algorithm has a higher accuracy, then SVM then DT. But this is a preliminary result as no study has used all methods at once in a case.



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How to Cite
thomas, santi, Yuliana, & Noviyanti. P. (2021). Study Analysis of Sentiment Analysis Methods on YouTube. Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 1-7.