Website-Based Company Profile Design and Development as a Media for Promotion and Information at the Pontianak Ekklesia Theological College

  • Listra Firgia Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Azriel Christian Nurcahyo Institut Shanti Bhuana
Keywords: school, website, promotion, information, company profile


Pontianak Ekklesia Theological College is one of the private universities in Pontianak. In promoting STT Ekklesia to the public, they still use conventional materials such as brochures, flyers, and banners. The purpose of this research is to design and create a website as a media promotion. Pontianak Ekklesia Theological College can use the website as a promotional medium to show that the Pontianak Ekklesia Theological College has an alternative to promote its campus. In this study, we use HTML, CSS and JavaScript for website creation and have website criteria that are attractive, neat and understandable content so that people can view the website using mobile media, laptops that already have a website page display that matches the device. The method used in this research are interviews and observation. The results that have been carried out by designing, creating and implementing websites as promotional media, are expected to improve the quality of both facilities, teaching staff and so on to be able to compete with other high schools.


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How to Cite
Firgia, L., & Nurcahyo, A. C. (2021). Website-Based Company Profile Design and Development as a Media for Promotion and Information at the Pontianak Ekklesia Theological College. Journal of Information Technology, 1(2), 35-40.