Focus and Scope
Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup penelitian yang dapat diterbitkan pada Journal of Information Technology (JIfoTech) diantaranya terdiri dari beberapa bidang rumpun ilmu yang pada dasarnya berhubungan dengan teknologi Informasi, seperti :
- Domain-Specific Frameworks and Applications
- IT Governance
- e-Government
- e-Healthcare
- e-Learning
- e-Manufacturing
- e-Commerce
- e-Business
- Models, Methods and Techniques
- Conceptual Modeling, Languages, and design
- Software Engineering
- Information-centric Networking
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Media, Game and Mobile Technologies
- Data Mining
- Information Retrieval
- Information Security
- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Remote Sensing
- Natural Language Processing
- Multimedia, Media Pembelajaran
- Data Acquisition and Information Dissemination
- Open Data
- Social Networks
- Big Data
- Web Services
- Database Management Systems
- Semantic Web and Linked Data
- Visualization Information
- Social Information Systems
- Social Informatics
- Spatial Informatics Systems
- Geographical Information Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence
- Business Intelligence
- Intelligent Systems
- Autonomous Agents
- Intelligent Agents
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Expert Systems
- Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning
- Soft Computing
- Optimization
- Forecasting
- Meta-Heuristics
- Computational Intelligence
- Decision Support Systems
- Fuzzy System
- Neural Network
- IT Infrastructure and Security
- Information Security and Privacy
- Digital Forensics
- Network Security
- Cryptography
- Cloud and Virtualization
- Emerging Technologies
- Computer Vision and Image
- Ethics in Information Systems
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Medical Image Analysis
- Internet of Things
- Mobile and Pervasive Computing
- Real-time Systems and Embedded Systems
- Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Networking