Data Security with Super Encryption Combination of Vigenere and Atbash Cipher


  • Argia Putri Ramadhani Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta
  • Nanda Putri Tami Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta
  • Asih Lestari Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta
  • Vera Wati Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta
  • Wartono Wartono Universitas Tunas Pembangunan Surakarta



Data Security, Super Encryption, Vigenere Cipher, Atbash Cipher, Cryptography


The demands of the digital world are becoming increasingly complex, necessitating effective measures to secure data. The primary challenge in data security lies in threats from unauthorized parties attempting to access sensitive information. Ensuring data integrity during exchange also requires attention to security. Another challenge arises from the expanding connectivity of data use, which calls for reliable and effective solutions. One approach is the application of cryptography with a super-encryption technique, which combines multiple cryptographic algorithms to create ciphertext that is difficult to break. The proposed combination uses Vigenere and Atbash ciphers in a single method. This aims to leverage the strengths of each algorithm in securing messages with relatively long character strings. This study demonstrates that super encryption using a Vigenere and Atbash cipher combination successfully performs encryption and decryption, with execution times under one second for each algorithm. This combination has the longest execution time, averaging 0.0047 seconds for encryption and 0.0045 seconds for decryption. Evaluations show that the Vigenere cipher creates a random distribution of letters, and although Atbash does not significantly alter this randomness, it provides letter variation that enhances security. The combination of these two algorithms effectively strengthens data protection.


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How to Cite

Ramadhani, A. P., Tami, N. P., Lestari, A., Wati, V., & Wartono, W. (2024). Data Security with Super Encryption Combination of Vigenere and Atbash Cipher. Journal of Information Technology, 4(2), 231–240.