Analysis and Design of a Boarding House Information System in Salatiga with an Object Oriented Approach

  • Candra Gudiato Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Eko Sediyono Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Keywords: Information System, Boarding House, Object Oriented, Unified Modelling Language, Android


Salatiga is a small city in Central Java, Indonesia. Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) is one of the universities in Salatiga. Even though it is in a small town, UKSW has students who come to study from various regions outside Salatiga. It is not surprising that the areas around UKSW are easy to find boarding houses. Boarding houses are usually identified with students. Students who have relatives or acquaintances from Salatiga do not experience significant obstacles in finding a strategic boarding house according to their budget and other considerations. However, for those who come from outside the area, it will be difficult to determine which boarding house will be their residence. Therefore, a boarding house information system will be built that accommodates boarding owners in Salatiga to promote their boarding houses and makes it easier for students to determine the desired boarding house according to cost considerations, the location from the campus, and the available facilities in a boarding house. The system will be built using object oriented methods and Unified Modelling Language (UML) as modeling. This system will run on the android platform.



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How to Cite
Gudiato, C., & Eko Sediyono. (2021). Analysis and Design of a Boarding House Information System in Salatiga with an Object Oriented Approach. Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 43-46.