Modification of Caesar Chiper Cryptographic Algorithm in Symbol and Letter Advantage on Smarphone and Laptop

  • Alva Hendi Muhammad Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Keywords: Cryptography, Caesar Cipher, Cipher Text, Encryption, Decryption


Developments in the world of information technology utilizing computer technology make it an option in doing various things contained in it can be in the form of applications, sms or data security systems that maintain the security and confidentiality of information data in development sciences such as cryptography. In the application that is done not from just one security technique but can be done with various combinations or modifications in data and information security. The main concepts in cryptography are encryption and decryption. A message, information or data that is encrypted so that people who are not entitled to read the message will not be able to read it. From the development of various methods of using cryptography, it can often be broken and resolved by unauthorized parties because the key to the information in the data message is not difficult to crack. In this paper, the author modifies the Caesar Cipher method using several symbols and numbers to produce a pattern with several stages of the method.


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How to Cite
Pamungkas, P. G., & Muhammad, A. H. (2022). Modification of Caesar Chiper Cryptographic Algorithm in Symbol and Letter Advantage on Smarphone and Laptop. Journal of Information Technology, 2(1), 1-5.