Design and Implementation of Village Web Utilization

  • Yuliana Institut Shanti Bhuana
  • Noviyanti. P Institut Shanti Bhuana
Keywords: Web Utilization, Design, Implementation, Village


Information technology is a software and hardware used by humans in solving problems. One of its branches is the Web which is developing today. With the existence of this Information Technology helps in the introduction and existence of an area that has potential, especially in rural areas in Bengkayang Regency. Through this Information Technology will provide opportunities for villages to provide innovation to the village government. The village web is designed to make it easier for village administrators to manage existing human and natural resources, so that the existing village potential will be published and known by the wider community. Using the village Web to create a village profile and promote the potential of village tourism objects is an opportunity to improve the performance of the village government. This study aims to educate the village government on the use of village websites and to find out how to build and implement the use of the village web as an information medium. This village website was designed using the PHP programming language and phpMyAdmin for database storage. By utilizing this developed village web, it can provide village innovation and improve the performance of the village government to be able to implement the potential that exists in the village



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How to Cite
Yuliana, & Noviyanti. P. (2021). Design and Implementation of Village Web Utilization. Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 16-21.