Population Data Collection in Salatiga Village, Mandor District, Landak Regency Based on Website
population data collection, PHP programming, residents of Salatiga Village, website-based population data collectionAbstract
Population data collection is an activity that must be and is considered important in the era of government, both regional and provincial governments. In this study, data collection on residents of Salatiga village, Mandor sub-district, Landak district, was carried out with the aim of helping to facilitate the village party in collecting data. This research was conducted based on a problem analysis carried out by interviewing the head of the Salatiga village, the village has so far been carrying out population data collection manually, so the village needs an application that can collect data and can store data on the residents of Salatiga village, Mandor sub-district, Landak district. According to the rules of the West Kalimantan Population and Civil Registration Service, population data is very important and can be used as information for conducting population analysis. This analysis can produce information such as education, citizenship, and other religions or ethnicities, so that this application can assist the village in conducting the analysis. In this study using observation and interview methods. The results of the implementation of the system have resulted in a population data collection application that can be used in the process of adding population data, updating population data, and deleting population data.
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