Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship <p><strong>Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(BEE)</strong> (registration number/ Media Cetak <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN:2684-6829</a> / Media Online <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN:2656-9469</a> ) peer-reviewed journal published twice a year in April and December by Entrepreneurship program of Shanti Bhuana Institute. This journal publishes the conceptual and empirical article in entrepreneurship, business studies, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development. BEE opens for researchers and academics who are interested in writing articles in the fields of entrepreneurship and business studies to be published.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Institut Shanti Bhuana, Program Studi Kewirausahaan en-US Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship 2684-6829 ANALISIS TINGKAT KEPUASAN ANGGOTA TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN KARYAWAN CREDIT UNION KELING KUMANG KOTA PUTUSSIBAU <p><em>This research was conducted at the Keling Kumang Credit Union, Putussibau City, the reason for this research was to answer the author's curiosity regarding the level of satisfaction felt by members during the 15 years CUKK was founded. The aim is to determine the level of member satisfaction in the quality of service of Keling Kumang Credit Union employees, Putussibau City. In this research, the author uses indicators in the form of Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty, and Service. The research method used is a descriptive method in the form of qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques include field observations, questionnaires and interviews. Based on the results of research conducted through indicators in Credit Union member service, namely Tangibles (Tangible), Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Guarantee), Emphaty (Empathy), and Service and placement of employees in the right positions and has a good relationship between the employees of the Keling Kumang Credit Union, Putussibau City and its members, with an average score of 2.88, which means that if you look at the dimensions and indicators with a range of interpretations, it can be concluded in the range 2.36 – 3.03 so it is in the category strongly agree or very well.</em></p> Sri Novita Paulinus Jang Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Novita 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 6 1 1 8 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.825 ANALISA STRATEGI POSITIONING MEREK: STUDI KASUS INDUSTRI E-COMMERCE DI INDONESIA <p><em>This research explores brand positioning strategies in the Indonesian e-commerce industry, employing a quantitative approach and descriptive methods, utilizing SPSS 25 software. Data collection involved surveys and questionnaires, focusing on consumer perceptions of the Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, and Lazada brands. Involving approximately 100 respondents, the study aims to provide in-depth insights into the e-commerce market positioning in Indonesia. The analysis results indicate that ease of use and application design are the most significant factors influencing consumer interest in using e-commerce. Each e-commerce platform underwent validity tests, reliability tests, and discriminant analysis to ensure data reliability and validity. Managerial recommendations include enhancing user experience through the development of user-friendly interfaces and appealing application designs. Periodic evaluations of performance and consumer feedback are highly recommended, utilizing SPSS 25 for sophisticated analysis. This research contributes to understanding consumer preferences and perceptions in the e-commerce industry while formulating relevant recommendations for the management of each e-commerce platform.</em></p> Tasya Agustin Elsha Sabilla Sri Vandayuli Riorini Sarah Ade Nisa Zefanya Copyright (c) 2024 Tasya Agustin Elsha Sabilla, Sri Vandayuli Riorini, Sarah Ade Nisa, Zefanya 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 6 1 9 17 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.811 PENGARUH KETERLIBATAN KONSUMEN DALAM KOMUNITAS MEREK ONLINE TERHADAP KECINTAAN MEREK DAN REKOMENDASI POSITIF <p><em>This research explores the relationship between Brand Love, Consumer Engagement, Brand Relationship Quality, Consumer Community Identification, and Positive Word-of-Mouth (WOM) on online shopping platforms, involving the participation of 150 users. Employing a quantitative approach, the study utilizes a questionnaire as the data collection instrument. Findings reject the influence of Brand Relationship Quality and Consumer Community Identification on Consumer Engagement. Conversely, the research reveals a positive relationship between Brand Love and Positive Word-of-Mouth, as well as between Consumer Engagement and Brand Love. Further analysis highlights that the level of brand affection acts as a catalyst for positive recommendations, while active consumer interactions can enhance their level of brand love. These findings underscore the importance of creating emotional connections with the brand to stimulate positive Word-of-Mouth. The study provides in-depth insights into factors influencing WOM on online shopping platforms, potentially supporting the development of more effective marketing strategies. Involving 150 respondents, the research holds practical implications in the current digital and global context. The quantitative method using a questionnaire, data validity, and reliability confirmed through SPSS 21, along with goodness-of-fit (GOF) analysis and hypothesis testing using Amos 23, establishes a robust methodological foundation. Research ethics principles, including consent and data anonymization, are upheld to maintain the integrity and security of respondent information.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Alodiazada Nurihda Djaganata Sri Vandayuli Riorini Jelita Rizki Widyowati Tri Indahyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Jelita Rizki Widyowati 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 6 1 18 30 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.810 PENGRAJIN KAYU DARI CIAMIS KOTA MAMPU MENGGEBRAK PEREKONOMIAN <p><em>A wood craftsman is an individual or group of people who work in the field of handicrafts. By using wood as basic materials, craftsmen are able to produce various products. So this research aims to analyze the strategies of wood craftsmen in marketing and the obstacles to increasing the number of sales in Ciamis City. This research is a descriptive qualitative type, where data collection is carried out by means of observation and interviews. And then analyzed using the SWOT Method which is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a business or individual. The results of the research show that Mr Jenal, a wood craftsman from Ciamis, has the potential to disrupt the family's economy in several ways, such as: Creating high quality products that are in demand by many consumers. Focusing on selecting raw materials has an influence on increasing demand and sales which generate profits. The direct sales process in strategic locations really influences the market effectively, this influences increasing profitability and strengthening the local economy</em></p> Fadila Rahmah Silvi Apriliani Tasya Nur Ramdhani Risbon Sianturi Copyright (c) 2024 Silvi apriliani 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 6 1 31 39 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.791 PENGARUH KETERLIBATAN PELANGGAN, KUALITAS LAYANAN, CITRA MEREK DAN PENGALAMAN MEREK TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA PENGGUNA TRANSPORTASI ONLINE DI DKI JAKARTA <p><em>The research aims to find out how influential customer involvement, the quality of service, the brand image and brand experience of customer satisfaction on online transport users. This study is aimed at grab, one of southeast Asia's transportation services. The data collection on this research USES field research by spreading "questionnaire" to 200 user responders at grab application in dki Jakarta, as well as the library research by reviewing from a journal and other structures related to the study. Regression analysis and correlation are used for information screening. The result of this research suggests that the involvement of the customer, quality services, brands' and brands' experience on the satisfaction of the online transport's customers in dki dki will be particularly significant in the development of grab loyalty at the Jakarta stock exchange. This suggests that variable customer satisfaction can be explained by variable customer reliability, service satisfaction, brand image, brand experience of 61 percent.. The rest of the 39 percent is explained by other factors not included in this research model. The effect of some of the influences with the satisfaction of the customer can be illustrated by the regression equation obtained by the positive signed coefficient value of regression, which suggests that both the quality of service and the price have a positive impact</em><em>.</em></p> Yudi Dwi Atmoko Sri Vandayuli Riorini Helzya Hidasanita Nina Tahira Copyright (c) 2024 Yudi Dwi Atmoko 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 6 1 40 53 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.826 ANALISIS CUSTOMER INTENTION DAN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TERHADAP BRAND FASHION PAKAIAN ERIGO <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>In the midst of competition among existing fashion brands, Erigo emerges as a unique fashion brand that introduces its own distinctiveness and becomes the most favored brand among the younger generation, successfully making its mark on the international stage. The research design employed in this study is hypothesis testing. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling, and 51 respondents who are familiar with and have purchased the Erigo fashion brand were obtained. Data collection was conducted through a survey by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The data were processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research results indicate that utilitarian value has a positive influence on customer satisfaction, which subsequently also affects behavioral intention along with utilitarian value. On the other hand, hedonic value does not have a positive influence on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. The findings of this study can provide insights for fashion brand sellers to design appropriate promotional strategies.</em></p> Fadel Farraz Rizkianto Sri Vandayuli Riorini Winda Ayu Anjani Daffa Aditya Copyright (c) 2024 Fadel Farraz Rizkianto 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 6 1 54 61 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.808 DETERMINAN RETURN ON ASSET PADA PERBANKAN KONVENSIONAL YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA <p style="font-weight: 400;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi <em>Return on Asset (ROA)</em> pada bank-bank konvensional di Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Kajian ini secara khusus memfokuskan pada lima variabel utama: <em>Equity Ratio, Deposit Ratio, Loan Ratio, Liquidity Ratio,</em> dan <em>Non Interest Income Ratio</em>. Metode regresi data panel digunakan, dengan sampel yang mencakup 37 bank konvensional selama periode 2018-2022. Dari hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa Loan Ratio dan Non Interest Income Ratio memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ROA. Sebaliknya, Equity Ratio, Deposit Ratio, dan Liquidity Ratio tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan. Temuan ini menunjukkan pentingnya manajemen Loan Ratio yang efisien dan strategi diversifikasi pendapatan non-bunga dalam meningkatkan profitabilitas bank. Hal ini menjadi panduan berharga bagi manajemen bank dalam merumuskan strategi untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam pemahaman mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank konvensional di Indonesia. Analisis komprehensif mengenai pengaruh berbagai rasio keuangan terhadap ROA memberikan wawasan penting bagi praktisi perbankan, investor, dan pemangku kepentingan lain dalam mengevaluasi kesehatan keuangan dan potensi pertumbuhan bank. Studi ini diharapkan membuka peluang penelitian lebih lanjut dalam bidang perbankan konvensional, khususnya di konteks pasar keuangan Indonesia, dan berpotensi memberikan dampak positif pada kebijakan dan praktik perbankan di masa depan. Dengan mengeksplorasi lebih jauh faktor-faktor ini, penelitian berupaya memberikan pandangan yang lebih luas dan mendalam tentang dinamika yang memengaruhi profitabilitas bank di Indonesia, memberikan sumbangsih yang berarti bagi literatur di bidang keuangan dan perbankan.</p> Anisa Umania Aryesta Susy Muchtar Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Umania Aryesta; Susy Muchtar (Author) 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 6 1 62 74 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.853 FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI COGNITIVE ENGAGEMENT DAN EMOTIONAL ENGAGEMENT TERHADAP BRAND LOYALTY PADA BEAUTY INDUSTRY DI INDONESIA <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara upaya pemasaran media sosial (Social Media Marketing) dalam industri kecantikan di Indonesia dengan keterlibatan kognitif dan emosional pelanggan terhadap merek, serta dampaknya pada loyalitas merek. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner online dari responden yang telah menggunakan produk kecantikan selama setidaknya satu tahun terakhir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Social Media Marketing berpengaruh positif terhadap keterlibatan kognitif dan emosional pelanggan, namun tidak secara signifikan terhadap loyalitas merek. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan penting bagi manajer merek dalam mengoptimalkan upaya pemasaran media sosial untuk membangun keterlibatan pelanggan yang kuat</p> Andi Zhafran Ghaffari Luki Adiati Pratomo Muhammad Rizqi Mulia Mikail Muhammad Haikal Murzid Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Zhafran Ghaffari, Luki Adiati Pratomo, Muhammad Rizqi Mulia, Mikail Muhammad Haikal Murzid 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 6 1 75 84 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.815 ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN PELAKU UMKM DI KOTA SEKADAU <p><em>This research discusses how UMKM actors manage their finances regarding income. The aim of this research is to determine the understanding of UMKM actors in Sekadau City regarding business financial management. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative methods, using primary data in the form of direct interviews with a number of UMKM actors. The sample was selected using purposive sampling of 10 owners where the sample had the criteria of having run the business for more than 5 years with a minimum monthly income of Rp 5,000,000. The results of the research show that the majority of UMKM actors in Sekadau City do not make business financial plans. This is due to a lack of understanding by business actors in making budget plans for business activities. Apart from that, based on the results of direct interviews, UMKM actors do not record, report and control business financial income and expenses.</em></p> Maria Junianta Dewi Sara Anjelina Ariska Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Junianta, dewi Sara, Anjelina Ariska, Anjelina Ariska 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 6 1 85 94 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.879 PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARAT MELALUI PENDEKATAN KAUSALITAS GRANGER <p><em>One of the successes in developing a region can be seen from level of economic growth, for this reason each region always makes efforts either by optimizing the level of economic growth in order to move the region in order to lead to a better life. The aim of this research is to test and analyze the influence of Original Regional Income (PKM) on Economic Growth and to test and analyze the causal relationship between Original Regional Income (PAD) on the Economic Growth of Districts/Cities in West Kalimantan Province. The data used is secondary data, the analysis tools used are Linear Regression and the Grager Causality test. The research results show that Original Regional Income (PAD) has a positive and significant effect on Economic Growth in West Kalimantan Province and there is no causal relationship between Original Regional Income (PAD) and Economic Growth, there is only a unidirectional relationship between Original Regional Income (PAD) with Economic Growth and does not happen vice versa.</em></p> Helly Suharlina Ninuk Dwiastuti Rendy Amy Saputra Romi Suradi Copyright (c) 2024 Helly Suharlina, Ninuk Dwiastuti, Rendy Amy Saputra, Romi Suradi 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 6 1 95 101 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.800 DAMPAK KUALITAS LAYANAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN PADA E-COMMERCE DI INDONESIA <p><em>The results of this research discuss the aim of investigating the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot service quality on customer loyalty in an organization. Through a sequential chain model of service quality loyalty, this research classifies AI chatbot service quality into nine attributes and develops a research model to explore the internal mechanisms of the influence of AI chatbot service quality on customer loyalty. These findings can assist organizations in increasing customer value perceptions, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty, as well as provide guidance in the development, adoption, and post-adoption of affective trust, and satisfaction. This research contributes to the understanding of service quality in the context of information systems (IS) and extends the sequential chain model of quality loyalty to the context of AI services. These findings can help organizations improve customer value perception, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty, as well as provide guidance in the development, adoption, and post-adoption of AI chatbots</em></p> Rashinta Adelia Khairyanti Puteri Syaharani Willy Arafah Copyright (c) 2024 Rashinta Adelia Khairyanti 2024-04-08 2024-04-08 6 1 102 109 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.885 PERAN MEDIASI BUSINESS ADAPTIBILITY TERHADAP MARKETING CAPABILITY DAN INNOVATION CAPABILITY PADA UKM AMPLANG DI SAMARINDA <p><em>This research aims to observe the influence of marketing capability on innovation capability which is mediated by business adaptability with the research object of UKM Amplang in Samarinda. Amplang UKM is a type of business that is popular in Samarinda and continues to grow. In this study, research data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to research respondents, namely the managers of Amplang UKM in Samarinda, totaling 100 respondents. The data obtained was then processed using data analysis techniques with the PLS model. The research results show that marketing capability has an influence on business adaptability and innovation capability. In this research it was also found that business adaptability had no effect on innovation capability. In this research it was also found that there was no mediating influence from business adaptability on the influence of marketing capability on innovation capability.</em></p> Auliya Agastiya Mochamad Miftakhul Dava Busono Willy Arafah Copyright (c) 2024 Auliya Agastya 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 6 1 110 115 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.883 PENGARUH BRAND EXPERIENCE TERHADAP BRAND LOYALTY MELALUI PERCEIVED QUALITY DAN BRAND TRUST PADA PENGGUNA SMARTPHONE DI JAKARTA <p><em>The objective of the empirical study is to examine and to analyze the effect of Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty mediated by Perceived Quality and Brand Trust of smaprtphone users in Jakarta, with 188 respondents as samples. In this study, the sampling method used non-probability sampling, using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis methods used are Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), SPSS and AMOS24 software. The results show (1) Brand Experience variables have no positive effect on Brand Loyalty and is not supported. (2) Brand Experience variables have a positive effect on Perceived Quality and is supported. (3) the Brand Experience variables have a positive effect on Brand Trust and is supported. (4) Perceived Quality variables have a positive effect on Brand Loyalty and is supported. (5) Brand Trust variable has a positive effect on Brand Loyalty is supported. (6) Brand Experience variable has a positive effect on Brand Loyalty which is mediated by Perceived Quality and is supported. (7) Brand Experience variable have no positive effect on Brand Loyalty which is mediated by Brand Trust and is not supported. </em></p> Rangga Anung Anindita Arnolt Kristian Pakpahan Copyright (c) 2024 Rangga Anung Anindita 2024-04-18 2024-04-18 6 1 116 129 10.46229/b.e.e..v6i1.863