• sofiah baisa Universitas Trisakti
  • Farah Margaretha Leon Universitas Trisakti


Financial literacy is currently a problem for some people, especially for Generation Z. This study aims to analyze the relationship of several variables, namely financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior to financial literacy in Generation Z in DKI Jakarta. This study used a quantitative approach and primary data whose data sources were collected through the distribution of questionnaires as many as 135 respondents in the form of Generation Z in DKI Jakarta. This data is processed using applications called SPSS version 25, and AMOS version 21. The data analysis method uses the SEM tool. The finding from this study is that financial knowledge negatively affects financial literacy. financial attitudes have a positive effect on financial literacy. Meanwhile, financial behavior negatively affects financial literacy, financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior are positively interconnected. This research is expected to increase financial literacy by attending various formal and non-formal education


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How to Cite
baisa, sofiah, & Margaretha Leon, F. (2022). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI FINANCIAL LITERACY PADA GENERASI Z DI DKI JAKARTA. Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 4(2), 112-121. https://doi.org/10.46229/b.e.e.v4i2.466

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